Booking wages

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Wage slips

  1. Exact
  2. Financieel > Boekingen en grootboekrekeningen > Boekingen > Aanmaken (English: Financial -> Entries & G/L Accounts -> Entries -> Create)
  3. Inkoop > 80 - Salarisstroken
  4. Add file (wage slip)
  5. Set `Supplier` to the person this wage slip meant for
  6. Beschijving: Salaris periode {YEAR}-{MONTH}-M / {YEAR}-{MONTH}-M {NAME}
  7. Ensure `Payment condition` is set to `M - Einde volgende maand`
  8. Ensure `Invoice date` is set to the beginning of the month
  9. Totaalbedrag: Set to Totaal netto from the wage slip
  10. Line items:
    1. From the wage slip's Bruto > Salaris add the value of it as Bruto loon (4000), with description 'Salaris periode {YEAR}-{MONTH}-M / {YEAR}-{MONTH}-M {NAME}'
    2. From the wage slip's Bruto > Bonus (BT) if present, add the value of it as Te betalen bonussen (1790) with description 'Salaris bonus {YEAR}-{MONTH}-M / {YEAR}-{MONTH}-M {NAME}'
    3. From the wage slip's Loonheffing add the value of it as a negative amount as af te dragen loonheffing (1700), with description 'Salaris LH {YEAR}-{MONTH}-M / {YEAR}-{MONTH}-M {NAME}'
    4. From the wage slip's Netto > Onkostenvergoeding if present, add the value of it as Kosten nettovergoedingen

Wage taxes

  1. Exact
  2. Financieel > Boekingen en grootboekrekeningen > Boekingen > Aanmaken
  3. Inkoop > 80 - Salarisstroken
  4. Add file (LH/'Loonaangifte_Bedrijf_Overzicht_Delft_Solutions_BV_*.pdf)
  5. Set `Supplier` to `Belastingdienst`
  6. Beschrijving: Enter the value for LHnummer en volgnummer from the document
  7. Ensure `Payment Condition` is set to `D - Deze maand`
  8. Ensure `Invoice date` is set to the beginning of the month, if the 'send' date on the document is not of the current month. Otherwise, just set the 'send' date
  9. Set `Total amount` to the value of `Totaal Generaal` from the document
  10. Line items:
    1. From the document's Loonbelasting / premie volksverzekering add the section's total value as Af te dragen loonheffing (1700) with description `Loonbelasting / premie volksverzekering {YEAR}-{MONTH}`
    2. From the document's Premies add the section's total value as Kosten sociale premies werkgever (4041) with description `Premies {YEAR}-{MONTH}`


  1. Exact
  2. Financieel > Boekingen en grootboekrekeningen > Boekingen > Aanmaken
  3. Inkoop > 80 - Salarisstroken
  4. Add file (JP/'Journaalposten_Delft_Solutions_BV_*.pdf)
  5. Set `Supplier` to `Bright Pensions N.V.`
  6. Beschrijving: Pensioen {YEAR}-{MONTH}-M
  7. Ensure `Payment condition` is set to `IN - Incasso`
  8. Ensure `Invoice date` is set to the the '16th' of the month of the period over which the document documents the pension payments. (Look at 'Periodes' for this)
  9. Totaalbedrag: Set to the value of Pensioenafdracht WG en WN on the document
  10. Line items:
    1. For each person who received pension payment: Pensioenen (4011) with description `Pensioen {YEAR}-{MONTH}-M {NAME}` and with the correct value (At the moment, 1/3 of the total amount per person).

Reconciliation (after payment)

  1. Financieel > Boekingen en grootboekrekeningen > Overzichten > Kaarten (In English: Financial > Entries & G/L Accounts > Reports > Transactions)
  2. Search for Af te dragen loonheffing (1700). Ensure the relevant `Financial year` is selected.
  3. First, only mark (not actually match) the wage slips together with the IRS slip for wage taxes. The difference at the bottom (e.g. 0.16 EUR) needs to be added to the wage tax document.
    1. For line item Af te dragen loonheffing (1700) add the difference to the current value (0.16 EUR in this example)
    2. Create line item Rekenverschillen (9200) with description {ENTRY_DESCRIPTION} {YEAR}-{MONTH} and the value in negative (-0.16 EUR in this example)
    3. Mark the wage slips together with the IRS slip for wage taxes again. The difference should now be 0.
  4. Select `Match` at the top of the screen to match the entries.

Reconciliation of the payment itself

  1. Go to Financial > Banking & Cash > Statements > To be completed and search for `to be completed` statements.
  2. Ensure the G/L account is set to `1671 - Te betalen lonen`, and the account is set to `1 - Belastingdienst`.
  3. Select `Match` and select the matching entry (Previously created in the `Wage Taxes` section).

Reconciliation of the pension payments

  1. Go to Financial > Banking & Cash > Statements > To be completed and search for `to be completed` statements.
  2. Ensure the G/L is set to `1671 - Te betalen lonen`, and the account is set to `47 - Bring Pensions N.V.` for the three pension payments.
  3. Click 'Match' on any of the pension payments
  4. In the modal, check the checkbox for the other two pension payments, and the correct pension document entry (The one created earlier in the `Pension` section). Finally, click `Enter`.

Preparing wage payments

  1. Create a payment scheduled on the correct date (15th of the month) for 12:00 (Midday), for each wage slip added, with the description `Salaris periode {YEAR}-{MONTH}-M {NAME}`