Resize VM Disk

From Delft Solutions
Revision as of 02:52, 2 April 2024 by Dortund (talk | contribs)
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This is for increasing a disk's size. These steps only work if the root partition is at the end of the disk. (The automated install config/preseed ensures this)

Step 1

To increase the disk 'physical' size:

  • On Proxmox web gui: select disk, click the 'Disk Action' dropdown and select 'Resize'
  • Fill in the size to increase the disk with

Step 2

To increase the disk partition:

  • In the VM, first get the partition table for info (Assuming the disk is /dev/sda) with `fdisk -l /dev/sda | grep ^/dev`

Output should something like this:

  • Resize using 'parted':
 * parted /dev/sda
 * print
 * resizepart 2 100%
 * quit

This is assuming that you need to resize /dev/sda2 (which the 'print' will help you determine)

Step 3

To increase file system's size:

  • 'resize2fs /dev/sda2' (Assuming you need to increase /dev/sda2)