Incident Handling

From Delft Solutions
Revision as of 07:25, 4 August 2023 by Dortund (talk | contribs)
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Critical incidents

  • Critical incidents are resolved within 16 hours.


  1. Acknowledge on Zabbix and state who is responsible for resolving this in the description
  2. Determine affected clients
  3. Communicate to affected clients that the issue is being investigated
  4. Communicate plan/next steps (even if that is gathering information)
  5. Communicate findings/results of executed plan, go back to previous step if not resolved
  6. Resolve incident

Non-Critical incidents

  • Non-critical incidents are acknowledged within 9 hours and resolved within one week.


  1. Acknowledge on Zabbix and state who is responsible for resolving this in the description
  2. Communicate plan/next steps (even if that is gathering information)
  3. Communicate findings/results of executed plan, go back to previous step if not resolved
  4. If there is no resolution to the incident, evaluate if the trigger needs updating/disabling
  5. Resolve incident

Informational incidents

  • Informational incidents are acknowledged within 72 hours


  1. Acknowledge on Zabbix
  2. Sanity check the event, post result in thread
  3. If action needed, perform action