Booking quarterly hosting invoice

From Delft Solutions
Revision as of 06:42, 2 October 2024 by Dortund (talk | contribs)
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For the quarterly hosting + additional cost invoice we receive:

  1. Log in on Exact.
  2. Go to Purchase -> Entries -> Create.
  3. Select '60 - Inkoopboek'.
  4. Add the received invoice pdf as attachement.
  5. Set supplier to '<redacted> (eenmanszaak)'.
  6. Set descripton to the invoice number.
  7. Set the invoice date to the 'Factuurdatum' on the invoice
  8. Set the total to the total of the invoice (with BTW/VAT).
  9. For each line item on the invoice, add a line item to the entry. For each line item, ensure the Description matches that of the line item of the invoice, and ensure VAT code is set to '4' (which should be the same as on the invoice).
    1. For items with 'omschrijving' 'Exact', add a line item with G/L Account 4941 (Administratiekosten), set 'Amount' to the amount + VAT from the invoice.
    2. For items with 'omschrijving' 'Kagi', add a line item with G/L Account 5550 (Algemene kosten), set 'Amount' to the amount + VAT from the invoice.
    3. For items with 'omschrijving' that matches our clients, these are our hosting fees, so add a line item with G/L Account 7010 (Kosten hosting), set 'Amount' to the amount + VAT from the invoice.
  10. Check that the VAT percentages of the line items match those of the line items of the invoice.
  11. Check that the total of the line items adds up to the total of the invoice.
  12. Click 'Save+new' to save.